What is NicoBloc?
NicoBloc is a pink fluid which is applied to a cigarette filter –it does not go in or on a person
NicoBloc is made entirely from FDA approved food grade ingredients
NicoBloc ingredients are: Corn Syrup, Water, Citric Acid, approved food preservatives and colouring
NicoBloc blocks Nicotine
NicoBloc traps up to 99% of Nicotine
Nicotine is more addictive than heroin or cocaine
Image: Health professionals involved with the treatment of addicts were asked to rank various drugs according to their inherent addictive potential. Their responses were calculated according to a composite ranking of each drug on a 100-point scale from least (lowest score) to most addictive-liable.
Source: D. Franklin, Health, 1990. 4. 38.
NicoBloc blocks Tar
NicoBloc traps up to 99% of Tar
Tar causes lung cancer & emphysema